Monday, October 30
Invoking God into our Week

These next few weeks we are going to be action-oriented with our Immersed-in-Jesus time: actively thinking about the goodness of God and actively living out God’s calling in our lives. As the Apostle Paul calls the Christians in Corinth to widen their hearts to Paul, we receive it as a challenge to consider whom God may be calling us to widen our hearts toward. Take a set of fresh eyes into the next couple of weeks and let God show you.

Hebrews 10:24

spur one another on toward love and good deeds…

  1. Who has helped spur you on toward love and good deeds? Stop and thank God for those persons.
  2. Whom have you helped by spurring them on toward love and good deeds? Ask God to help you in serving this way for the benefit of others.
  3. Choose one way to intentionally spur someone else toward love and good deeds – then continue that attitude into tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 31
In the Word

Colossians 3:16

teach and admonish one another…

  1. Who has taught and admonished you through God’s Word? Stop and thank God for those persons.
  2. Whom have you taught and admonished you through God’s Word? Ask God for opportunity and appropriate gentleness in serving this way.
  3. Choose one way to intentionally teach and admonish (encourage) someone today – then continue that attitude into tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 1

Ephesians 4:32


Forgive one another…

  1. Who has graciously forgiven you for mistakes you made? Stop and thank God for those persons.
  2. Whom have you graciously forgiven for mistakes they made? Ask God to help you in this way.
  3. Look for an opportunity to be intentionally forgiving throughout this day – then continue that attitude into tomorrow.

Thursday, November 2

1 Thessalonians 4:18


Comfort one another

This is a translation of ‘encouragement’ that relates to helping one another in tough times.

  1. Who has you stood with you in the tough times of your life? Stop and thank God for those persons.
  2. With whom have you stood through tough times in life? Ask God to give you strength to do so.
  3. Choose one person you could encourage and comfort through a particular act today.

Friday, November 3

Romans 16:16


Greet one another

  1. Who do you look forward to seeing and being greeted by during the week? Who brightens your day by a mere acknowledgement of you? Thank God for those persons.
  2. Ask yourself: Do I leave people grateful for having seen me? Ask God to make you such a blessing – or to show you how to be even more so such a blessing to both friends and acquaintances – and even strangers.
  3. Make an effort today to look people in the eye and acknowledge them with hearty greetings.

Saturday, November 4
The Saturday Set-Up for Worship

James 5:16


Pray for one another

  1. Who prays for you regularly? How awesome is that – stop and thank God for those persons.
  2. Whom has God put on your heart to pray for? Who could you add to your list for a week or two?
  3. Send a note to someone today letting them know that you are praying for them.

Sunday, November 5
God's Blessing on His People

God Bless You

James 5:16


Confess faults to one another

  1. To whom do you confess you heart’s struggles? With whom do you trust with your ugly secrets and silent struggles?
  2. Who confides their ugly secrets and silent struggles with you, allowing you to share God’s forgiveness with them?
  3. If you do not have a ‘confessor’ to listen to you and share God’s forgiveness with you, pray right now that God would send one or two to show you God’s love in such a powerful way.

Lord, [insert your prayer here]


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