Monday, November 6
Invoking God into our Week

Romans 12:10

Be devoted to one another…

  1. Who has been devoted to you in brotherly love? Stop and thank God for those persons.
  2. To whom have you been devoted in brotherly love? Stop and ask God to help you in serving this way.
  3. Choose one way to intentionally show your ‘brotherly love’ devotion to someone today – then continue that attitude into tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 7
In the Word

1 Peter 4:9

Be hospitable to one another… 

  1. Who has been hospitable to you (and your family)? Stop and thank God for those persons.
  2. To whom have you been hospitable? Ask God for opportunity and help in serving this way.
  3. Choose one way to intentionally offer hospitality to someone else – then continue that attitude into tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 8

Romans 12:10


Honor one another…

  1. Who has honored you above themselves by their actions? Stop and thank God for those persons.
  2. Whom have you been able to honor above yourself? Ask God for opportunity to serve in this way
  3. Choose one way to intentionally honor someone above yourself today – then continue that attitude into tomorrow.

Thursday, November 9

Galatians 6:2


Bear one another's burdens…

This is a translation of ‘encouragement’ that relates to helping one another in tough times.

  1. Who has helped bear your burdens? Stop and thank God for those persons.
  2. For whom have you been able to help bear burdens? Ask God for opportunity to serve in this way.
  3. Choose one way to intentionally carry someone else’s burdens today, knowing that in this way you will be fulfilling the law of Christ – then continue that attitude into tomorrow.

Friday, November 10

Galatians 5:13


Serve one another in love

Do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.

  1. Who serves you without thought of getting anything back? Thank God for any such persons you can think of – and take time to thank them personally as well.
  2. Whom do you serve without concern for what you’ll get in return? How do you feel about this?
  3. Choose to serve someone today without any regard to receiving anything back.

Saturday, November 11
The Saturday Set-Up for Worship

Romans 15:7


Accept one another

  1. Who accepts you without reservation, yet holds you accountable to God’s standards? You better thank God for this type of person in your life – they are blessings to be craved.
  2. To whom do you show acceptance, holding to both of God’s standards for mercy and truth?
  3. Ask God to teach you how to become a more accepting person on His behalf.

Sunday, November 12
God's Blessing on His People

God Bless You

1 Corinthians 12:25 


Care for one another

  1. Who comes to mind as a person that genuinely cares about what happens to you?
  2. Who might bring you to mind when asked the previous question?
  3. Take a break from your normal routine and perform a non-routine act of caring for someone else (a card, a visit, phone call, etc).

Lord, [insert your prayer here]


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