Information about IMMERSION’s Weekly Layout

The first part of IMMERSION in God’s Word flows from Monday to Sunday, culminating with the weekend worship experience. The material used throughout the week is built into the worship service, from the scripture readings to prayers and even the discipleship point used each Friday. Here is a basic description:

  • Monday: Overall discipleship theme for the week (*with prayer) Each week has a different discipleship emphasis being flushed out in both devotions and the worship/preaching experience.
  • Tuesday: God’s Mission in relation to the week’s theme*
    The disciple’s call always begins in receiving God’s grace through Jesus before joining Jesus on His mission to others.
  • Wednesday: One’s identity in Christ based on the theme*
    The world constantly pushes identity issues on us. To combat this reality, we remind ourselves who we are in Christ.
  • Thursday: Reviewing, Repenting, and Returning to God.
    Near mid-week, this day calls for re-centering our lives on God.
  • Friday: Thematic Discipleship Point* This content is drawn from IMMERSION materials, Luther’s Catechism, other resources.
  • Saturday: Thematic Scriptural Story for the week*
    Each week we will invite God’s Spirit to teach us through the power of story. The more stories from God’s Word that you can learn, the more scriptural analogies and parallels that He has as His disposal to bring life to you and others.
  • Sunday: After the season of Advent, there are quotes regarding worship from Scripture and disciples of the past or present*
    Sunday is a constant reminder to devote time to God, to dedicate time to be with Him and his people. Let’s not give up meeting together: In micro-groups, in small groups, or in large groups. Let your lifestyle reflect your Christian values as you carve out and protect time to worship God and deepen your walk and understanding with God and your fellow disciples. Be intentional until you can be habitual.
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Micro-Meditation: Psalm of the Week

In addition to the daily IMMERSION with a discipleship focus, there is opportunity to be in a selected Psalm each week. You are encouraged to do it at a separate time of day. The psalm may have a general connection to the discipleship theme for the week, but it has a purpose all its own in the devotional life: Getting one to meditate of the “Prayer Book” of the Old Testament. The intent is training you to meditate on His Word and praying it back to Him. Part two provides a simple routine Monday to Friday, with each section of verses handled throughout the week as follows:

  • Monday: Read the assigned set of verses twice (inset box), highlighting whatever words or phrases catch your attention. Note any reactions of thought, emotion, body, or spirit. Through a time of meditation, ask God to impress things upon you. He will use his Word to speak to you. If inclined, use a journal or a loose-leaf paper to jot notes. It will be helpful for later review personally or with others.
  • Tuesday-Friday: There will be a focus on one-two verses (in bold) from the assigned Psalm as well as a parallel teaching or command and scriptural promise.

Teaching or Command of God

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The Scale icon designates a teaching or command of God being shared; the scale symbolizes the importance of regarding the Lord’s Word as weightier that of the world. It’s a good time to ask: Am I following God’s Word or a worldly view on a subject, issue, or matter?

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This icon indicates a promise of God being brought to your attention. Knowing God’s promises lends power and direction to one’s prayer & faith life.

During this time of meditating with God on His Word, pay attention
to thoughts, emotions, attitudes, etc. Consider journaling through
your experience – even the “silly” things that seem to arise. If the
Lord puts something on your heart to do – a spiritual ‘nudge’ make
sure you write that down and follow up as compelled.

Many of the Bible verses cited are on the material provided. Nonetheless, you are encouraged to use your own bible. Along with that, have a pen or pencil, highlighters (or crayons as some prefer) and paper to write on. Some people have purchased a binder to keep all their devotional notes together. 

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This icon indicates a Journal Prompt.  Journal Prompts are short phrases or verses that are intended to have you think and pray about a topic.  

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Micro-Meditation Pondering Point

The Micro-Meditation Pondering Point is another prompt to help you think and pray about a topic.  Both the Journal Prompt and the Micro-Meditation Ponderng Points are excellent discussion prompts for devotion group and micro-group discussions.

Today's Devotion