June 20, 2020

Sunday's One Another Commands

Bear with One Another

Colossians 3:13

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
~ Apostle Paul

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Pondering Point

Fellow Christians: Our one another reminder this week is to bear with each other, a command that we are to “bear” at all times.

That means bearing with one another even when we get offended (not until we get offended). When we quit bearing with one another, we lose the unity of the Spirit and the power of prayer that comes with “two or three” praying in His name. In short, one’s unwillingness to bear with others will fracture (if not kill) that relationship – and many others connected to it.

Now I imagine that some will claim, “the offense already fractured or killed the relationship.” To that claim I point us back to our Savior Jesus who bore the relationship-killing offense of sin in order to restore – yes, restore – our broken relationship with God. Thank You Lord Jesus! Now – forgive as the Lord forgave you.

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Prayer Prompt

Lord Jesus, help us not let offenses get in the way of relationships but rather use the opportunity to put our faith into action, to practice what we preach, and to follow in Your footsteps by bearing with each other and forgiving those who sin against us.* Amen.

*By the way, forgiving a sinful action does not equate to ignoring consequences, injustice or needed reform of unjust situations. It restores a relationship that has been damaged in some way. How we react individually and how we respond as a collective society and government are not necessarily the same.