Discipleship Point and Prayer
"You say, I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing. But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked." (Revelations 3:17)
The disciples in Laodicea, for whatever reason had become proud and self-sufficient. They had not left the church. In their own eyes they still had faith. But they were no longer humble before Jesus… but he still was full of grace and offered forgiveness, fellowship and great victory to those who would repent.”
p.46, The Prideful Soul’s Guide to Humility, Fontenot/Jones
Humility Prayer
God forbid that I be proud and self-sufficient. If I am already there, break me. Show me where I am wretched, pitiful, poor, blind or naked. Then – knowing that You offer forgiveness, fellowship and victory – lead me to humble repentance... (listen)
Discipleship Point
What is the Missio Dei? From the outset, mission must be distinguished from missions. Mission refers to the mission of God (the Missio Dei), the sending of God, His sending nature and function to rescue the lost world.
By contrast, missions refer to places, scopes, activities, endeavors, needs, forms, or practices. Mission has historically been confused with foreign or domestic missions, which can encompass a subsidized congregation, a field or geographical area, a budget, an agency, physical buildings and even church planting.
Out of God’s love for the fallen world and by His gracious initiative, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to save the lost world that was incapable of saving itself. This is the Missio Dei, the mission rescue act of God. The Missio Dei centers on the sending of Jesus, who in turn sends believers into the world and who, together with the Father, sent the Holy Spirit to empower God’s people to receive and proclaim the Gospel and participate in God’s mission to save the lost.
See the following Scriptures in your bible or on pp. 248-249 of The Great Sending book: John 3:16, John 4:34, John 17:1-3, John 17:18, John 20:21-23, Luke 24:45-49.
Discipleship Prayer
Father God, thank You for the reminder that The Mission is all about Your Sending – sending Jesus to rescue us, sending the Holy Spirit to empower us, and sending us, as rescued and empowered people, into the Mission field as sharers and proclaimers of Your love for this fallen world.
May Your Mission be my Mission in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Proverb for the Week
Proverbs 15:14
The discerning heart... (does what?)
but the mouth... (ends up doing what and by whom?)
Click here to learn the proverb (if you missed it this week) or to review the proverb.