January 25, 2022

Biblical Teaching on Prayer

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1 Timothy 2:8

I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands
without anger or disputing.
~Apostle Paul

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Pondering Point

Similar to prayers offered by the Jewish men of his day, Paul encourages all men to pray – not as a mere formality, but in unity with each other. Take note of the comment about “holy hands” as opposed to unclean hands. We don’t want our prayers mingled with attitudes that are saddled with anger or disputes. An unhealthy mindset toward others makes for an unhealthy mindset with God in prayer. Think “pure in heart”. Your spiritual posture is much more important than any physical one. It's hard to share love and grace when we harbor bitterness and envy.


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Father God, deliver us from all bitterness and anger, disputes and envy. Then, delivered from such unhealthy attitudes (thank you Jesus) let us engage others with joy and love born of Holy Spirit living and work in us. in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Proverb for the Week

Proverbs 15:14

rebuke mockers… and what happens?
rebuke the wise… and what happens?

Click here to learn the proverb (if you missed it this week) or to review the proverb.