April 14, 2022

Discipleship Point and Prayer

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Words from Jesus on the Cross

John 19:28

The Fifth Word

I thirst (διψάω)

Words from Jesus After the Cross

Matthew 28:10

Go and Tell

Jesus said to [the women leaving the tomb], “Do not be afraid.
Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”

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Humility Prayer

Lord Jesus, in two days we remember your entrance into Jerusalem riding on a donkey that Palm Sunday. It was a humble yet kingly mount. You knew who you were and where you were going – to the cross for our sins. Remind us to be humble and yet confident in our own lives knowing that You make us forgiven sinners and beloved children of God through God’s grace. In Your name we pray. Amen.

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Pondering Point

In this case Jesus literally spoke – in Greek – only one word. He is once again alluding to Scripture and prophetic insights (see both Psalm 22:15 and Psalm 69:19-21).

Can you see this as a sign of humility? For some help with that, read Philippians 2.

Today we keep a discipleship point and prayer connected to our devotional week. Appropriately, it is about redemption. As our Words from Jesus after the Cross remind us, the resurrection is not merely to be known, but shared as well.

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Discipleship Point about Redemption

How did Christ reconcile the severed relationship between God and humanity? Jesus Christ was sent by the Father to be the one mediator between God and humanity (1st Timothy 2:5). Through Christ's substitutionary death on the cross the penalty of sin has been paid, and by His bodily resurrection from the tomb, death has been defeated
(Discipleship Essentials, Ogden, p. 96).

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Discipleship Prayer

Father God, thank You for the gift of reconciliation with You through Your Son Jesus. May all people hear this message of peace and joy. Secondly, may the thirsty souls of all such people – myself included – find satisfaction in this same Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.