Wellspring of Joy
John 13:8
“No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.”Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”
Pondering Point
From the get-go Jesus called Peter into a “partnership” with him. This quote comes from three years later and we see Jesus still setting the parameters and determining which factors make up their part-nership. That partnership included Jesus serving Peter by washing his feet – and by dying for him.
Peter initially balked at both, but later understood the blessing – and accepted it graciously. Don’t brush Jesus aside. Just as Jesus called Peter to follow him and learn – to apprentice under Him, He is calling us to follow Him and apprentice under His leadership too – through the Holy Spirit.
Prayer for the Day
Holy Spirit, give me wisdom and insight, strength and persistence as I take part in my life with Jesus.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
I am not Jesus. Just one of his many apprentices who have been at it for a while. Again, obvious. My agenda for our time together is simple: to pass on some of the best things I've learned from sitting at the feet of the master, a man whose closest friends all said he was anointed with the oil of joy more than any of his companions. My translation: he was the happiest person alive.
J.M. Comer, Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, p. 11,12
See a presentaton from The BibleProject: In the Bible, humans continually fail as God's covenant partners, until Jesus came to fulfill what we could not, restoring us to relationship with God.