July 6, 2023

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Discipleship Response

Missionary Proclaimer

Matthew 9:38

ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
~ Jesus

• In Christ, we are friends and neighbors to both Jesus and others and we rejoice over any sinner who repents, regardless of who he or she is.

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Pondering Point

Last week's theme was come to the Lord of the Harvest in prayer. This week we go with the Lord of the Harvest, heading out into His harvest field having prayed for workers. As you keep this in mind, remember that the Lord is already out ahead of you working the fields; He is simply asking you to join Him and His crew in the mission-field. Let’s consider the disciple’s response to this call from God on our lives.

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Where are His fields in your world? Who are your co-workers in those fields? Are you working together? Do you know each other? Are you supporting one another?

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Repent if Necessary

Repent of leaving His fields unattended or leaving the work to others, or of refusing to work alongside others that Jesus has put to work in His fields.

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Return as Necessary

Return to the Lord daily from the field so as to reconnect with Him (and to be fed daily and/or strengthened for your return to the fields after rest).

Prayer for the Day

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Father God, Lord of the Harvest, having been gleaned from Your harvest fields, we now pray that, as we go about life in Your name, You would send out workers into Your harvest-fields to glean others who can then praise Your name. As You have said, the fields are ripe for harvest, We are at Your service in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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