August 27, 2023

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Sunday's One
Another Commands

Agree with one another

1 Corinthians 1:10

I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.
~ Apostle Paul

Pondering Point

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This week's One Another command is to agree with one another – to be united with each other in mind and thought; The NIV study bible describes it like being connected as blood brothers. We are family. The Corinthians had many things that previously might have divided them based on worldly identities. But in Jesus, divisions are to cease and unity through Him is to be top priority. And one of His top priorities is bringing the message of the gospel to the world. Let’s agree with one another to do this by showing Jesus’ type of love to the world by the way that we handle each other in love both in good and difficult times.

Ponder these four questions with God now
(and eventually a group of others)

  1. With whom do you feel united spiritually? Thank God.
  2. With whom do you not feel united? Ask for God’s help.
  3. With whom have you let division persist? Seek forgiveness.
  4. With whom have you restored unity? Praise God for harmony.


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We pray in Your name, Lord Jesus Christ, that we become united with each other – under You – in mind and thought. Lead us to agree with one another about what You want so that divisions among Your people cease – to God’s glory. Amen.

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