September 10, 2023

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Sunday's One
Another Commands

Love one another

1 John 4:7

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
~ Apostle John

Pondering Point

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How many times are we encouraged in the scripture to love one another? At least 10 times, not counting the variations. The Apostle Paul might even say it's the method to our "madness" as Christ-followers (2 Corinthians 5:13). We don't need to be madly in love, nor do we need to be making people mad with our attempts at love, just driven by His love.

Ponder these four questions with God now
(and eventually a group of others)

  1. Which friends showed selfless love to you? Thank God.
  2. Which friends need timely love this week? Pray for/love them.
  3. Where did your love fall short this week? Seek forgiveness.
  4. Where did love break through? Praise God for faithfulness.


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Father God, knowing that love comes from You, I pray that You help me love others, I want that love to be born of Your love for me and them. May my supposed knowledge of You never outdistance my actual love for You and others. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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