February 1, 2024

Re-Center Around God

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Psalm 27:7-9

  1. Hear my voice when I call, Lord;
    be merciful to me and answer me.
  2. My heart says of you, “Seek his face!”
    Your face, Lord, I will seek.
  3. Do not hide your face from me,
    do not turn your servant away in anger;
    you have been my helper.
    Do not reject me or forsake me,
    God my Savior.

Pondering Point

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As you read the above verses, note two conversations in there. One is between the writer David and His God, the Lord. The other is an internal dialogue from one part of David (the heart) to another (mind? soul? spirit?). This is not unusual, as David speaks to his soul in Psalms 42, 43 and again in 103. That soul cries out to God after being encouraged to do so by his heart. This is a godly kind of self-talk – way better than calling ourselves names or beating ourselves up internally. Let’s revisit our internal conversations and re-center them around God.

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Review for the week

How does self-talk go for you in general: positive or negative? Do you build yourself up or tear yourself down? Is God welcome into such conversations, as with David?

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Repent if Necessary

Repent if necessary using negative talk against one of God’s children (even if it is yourself!). Or, if necessary, repent of leaving God out of these significant dialogues about you.

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Return as Necessary

Consecrate your whole self to God – your heart, soul, mind, and strength. As God to help you align your “parts” with Him and his will for you.

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Prayer for the Day

Lord God, I am grateful to be reconciled to You through Jesus Christ, my sin not counted against me. Though I cannot match Your level of peacemaking, let me mirror it as an ambassador for Christ. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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“God's face is connected with joy in the Bible. One of the first scriptures I memorized when I was a new Christian was Psalm 16:11, ‘in your presence is fullness of joy.’ However, the original Hebrew renders this verse, ‘abundance of joy with your face.’ “
p. 55, Wilder, Hendricks, The Other Half of Church

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