April 3, 2024

Biblical Teachings on Prayer

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James 4:3

When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. 

Pondering Point

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We would never ask God to answer prayers for selfish motives, would we? We would never mask sinful pleasures in a cloak of religious language or form, right? Lord, unmask our motives that we might dedicate ourselves to Your pleasure first. Next week we spend time defining what a servant-disciple is, but for this week, we simply take stock of our attitude toward being available to serve others rather than ourselves.


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Father God, as we spend the next month focused on being servant-oriented disciples, I boldly ask that You show me where I am acting in self-serving ways. Where my attitude needs to undergo more change, I pray that You bring it in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Skill 3: Form Bonds for Two:
Synchronize attachments:

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"When we can share a mutual state of mind that brings us closer and lets us move independently as well. We are both satisfied."

When skill 3 is successful we develop an inner security that shows up as an abiding confidence where we engage the world with expectation and curiosity… [It] is the reciprocal sharing between two people that dynamically forms a mutual mind state. We are on the same page. This brain-to-brain coupling creates a cohesive, mutual mind where we feel seen, valued and understood. Our emotional brains are connected. It feels as though you are the source of my joy. In reality, we are the reason for our joy. When properly synched and executed early in life, the combination of shared thoughts, feelings and expressions provide lasting love and security.
p 67,68 Transforming Fellowship, Coursey
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