June 2, 2024

Call to Gather, Pray and Worship God

1 Timothy 1:2

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To Timothy my true son in the faith: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
~Apostle Paul

Pondering Point

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Clearly Paul values Timothy and invests in Him through time and prayer. Who are you investing in, to help raise “in the faith?” To whom are you being a blessing to spiritually, like Paul to Timothy? And – who is raising the maturity of your spirituality, helping you to keep growing?

Ephesians 6:18

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
~ Apostle Paul

Note that while Paul prays for others and invests in them, he does not think of this as a unique “apostle” calling. He encourages all of us to pray in the Spirit for many things (and people) in the faith.

As we commune with God through prayer, His Word, and music, others benefit as we lift them up to God.

Below is a simple chart introducing needs of infants. It is true of spiritual infants as well.

Infant Stage: Birth through Age 3

Newborns and toddlers are included here, up to the age where they can effectively say what their needs are.

TASK: For Individual Community, Family When tasks Fail
Lives in joy: Expands capacity for joy, learns that joy is one's normal state, and builds joy strength. Parents delight in the infant's wonderful and unique existence. Weak identify; fear and coldness dominate bonds with others.

The PRIMARY TASK to be completed during this stage is learning to receive. The PRIMARY RESULTING PROBLEM in adult life when this task is not completed is weak or stormy relationships. If our primary dependency needs are not met, we will spend the rest of our lives trying to get others to take care of us.

A Recognition of Worship to God 
through the eyes of the Bible

Having been asked to lead an event on the topic of worship in relation to youth of our Lutheran church, I tackled the scriptures in regards to “worshipping” and “praising” God, something we tend to define as a Sunday morning service, but which we know in our hearts is far more reaching than what happens between the invocation and benediction at church. At its root, worship is a response to God and His grace poured out in our lives. Here is what I enjoyed discovering about worship in the Bible. [and EVERY ONE of these images has a Scriptural foundation.]

Far from being limited to a sanctuary, worship occurs
  on mountains, in valleys, on land and at sea;
    in boats and out of boats, at tables and in beds,
  at home and away, both nearby and afar;
    in dirt and on pavement, both inside and out –
  inside and outside, at the opening of tents;
    inside and outside, on the top of houses;
  inside and outside, at the gates of the temple.

It can be dark, it can be light
  Spiritually, physically or both
    It happens in the morning, also at evening,
  Occurring at night just as at day;
    day after day, year after year,
  in birth and near death, and with resurrection too;
    on special days and ordinary days,
  on right days and even wrong ones.

It can be done standing or sitting, kneeling or bowing,
  walking or leaning, dancing or leaping,
    by rising or falling, lifting hands or lying down,
  by lowering heads or lifting eyes, clapping hands or kissing feet,
    with prayer and fasting, in clean clothes or even torn robes.

It is described as being done with the lips,
  with the mouth, with the tongue –
    using words and music, using old songs and new –
  hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs,
    with “amens” and “hallelujahs”
  with voices quite loud and silence quite strong;
    and although I could not find an organ per se,
  worship was encouraged with music in that day
    with harp and lyre, tambourine and trumpet,
  with cymbals and louder cymbals, with strings and a flute.

It was all to be done in awe and reverence,
  with thankfulness and great joy,
    during mourning and trouble, in celebration and relief;
  it could be done alone and with others,
    in congregations and among nations.

It was done by slaughtering rams or lambs,
  goats or even cattle by the thousands (but no chickens);
    by offering grain, or oil and flour mixed with incense;
  by building altars of earth and also of stone,
    some cut, some uncut –
  always at His direction, always to His glory;
    there were wine offerings and drink offerings;
  sin, guilt, and peace offerings;
    fellowship, free will and thanks-be-to-God offerings;
  there were tithes and shekels, half-shekels and mites,
    gifts of bronze and silver – gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

But when it gets down to it,
  what I found God wanted from His worshippers was this:
    Make it always in spirit and always in truth,
  Always from the heart, with all your heart.
With soul and mind and strength added in
Let this be where worship both ends and begins

Biblical Worship References

Praise Him for...

Delivering enemies into your hands Gen 14
Gift of a baby Gen 29
He is my strength and my song Ex 15
Deliverance from enemies 2 Sam18
For all of his wonderful acts 1 Chr 16
For giving intelligence and discernment 2 Chr 2
For making heaven and earth PS 148
Because his love endures forever 2 Chr 20
Feeds the poor PS 22
Because his word is right and true 33
He is king of the earth 47
For the refuge he offers 64
For his acts of power 150
For his surpassing greatness 150
For rescuing his servants Dan 3
The birth of the messiah Luke 4
For happiness James 5
For calling us out of darkness and into his light 1 Pet 2
Purchasing men for God Rev 5
For healing Luke 17
Abel, in thanks: fat portions of the firstborn of his flock Gen 4
Noah, post-flood, built an altar and sacrificed an offering Gen 8
Abraham – on a mountain – by slaughtering a ram Gen 22
His servant, on foreign soil, bowing down in thankfulness Gen 24
Jacob – near his death – while leaning on his staff 47
Israel, on a mountain, having been delivered from Egypt Ex 3
Moses – up close – with the elders at a distance Ex 24
Israel – with God’s pillar of cloud – standing at their tents 33
Moses – pleading for mercy, bowed low to the ground 34
Elkanah, year after year, from his town to Shiloh 1 Sam 1
Elkanah, Hannah, going to temple, early in the morning 1 Sam 1
Hannah, in thanks, gave her son to serve at the temple 1 Sam 1
David, returning ark, danced before God 2 Sam 2
David, after mourning, 2 Sam 12
David, rejoicing over Solomon’s kingship,
praised God on his bed 1 King 1
Israelites, in thanksgiving, knelt on the pavement 2 Chr 7
Israel, in purifying the temple, burned sacrifice, bowed down,
read words of David, sang songs, and played trumpets2 Chr 32
Ezra, in the presence of God’s book, bowed to the groundNeh 8
Job, in mourning, got up tore his robes, shaved his headJob 1
With all his heart Ps 9
In the congregation Ps 22
On my feet, telling of the great deeds of God 26
With the harp and the ten stringed lyre 33
With my lips 34
Together 34
Among throngs of people 35
With new song and hymns 40
In the presence of saints 52
With a free will offering 54
With singing 57
By fulfilling our vows 61
By lifting up hands 63
Praise him in song and glorify him in thanksgiving 69
Make music 92
Let my inmost being do so 103
By not forgetting his benefits 103
(also angels and my soul) 103
by giving thanks 106
It was willing praise 119
Lifting up hands in the sanctuary 134
Before other “gods” 138
Every day 145
praise with dancing and make music to him 149
Praise him in his mighty heavens 150
Foreigner worshipped by keeping God’s covenant Is 56
The Wise Men, in a stable, with gifts of gold, fr… Matt 2
Disciples, in a boat, with amazement at his powers Matt 14
Women, at the resurrection, clasped his feet 28
By praying outside Luke 1
By telling others Luke 2
As a church, with one heart and mouth Rom 15
A widow, at temple, night and day, with prayer, fastingLuke 2
On a mountain, at Jesus’ ascension, with great joy Luke 24
By confessing belief John 9
By the Spirit of God Phillip 3
Angels do it Heb 1
By laying crowns at this throne Rev 4
By saying Amen and falling down 5
By saying Amen, Hallelujah Rev 19
The leper, with healing, fell at Jesus feet Luke 17
Crippled beggar, walking and leaping and praising GodActs 3
With loud voices Luke 19
Jacob, having spoken with God, built a stone pillar and poured a drink offering on it Gen 35
On an altar made of earth Ex 20
A half shekel Ex 30
Incense, oil, flour and grain Lev 20
When Solomon had finished all these prayers and supplications to the LORD, he rose from before the altar of the LORD, where he had been kneeling with his hands spread out toward heaven 1 King 8
Then the king and all Israel with him offered sacrifices before the LORD, Solomon offered consecration of the temple 1 K 8:62-65

We are encouraged in our workship:

Stop bringing meaningless offerings Isaiah 1
To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrificesMark 12:33
And live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:2
You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:5
By repenting Rev 16
That you bear his name 1 Pet 4
Accept one another to praise God Rom 15
To bow down and kneel Ps 95
To tremble before him Ps 96
In gladness, with joyful songs Ps 100
In his dwelling place Ps 132
Change our ways and actions and deal with others justlyJer 7
By bringing offerings Zeph 3
Freewill offerings toward the rebuilding of the templeEzr 2
In spirit and truth John 4
Offer our bodies as living sacrifice pleasing to God Rom 12
With reverence in awe Heb 12
For God’s righteous acts Rev 15
Have the poor and needy praise his name 74
By saying Amen Ps 106
Among the nations Ps 108
In the house of the Lord Ps 117
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