September 15, 2024

Sunday One Another Commands

Love One Another

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Romans 13:8

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. ~ Apostle Paul

Pondering Point

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This verse often gets quoted on Dave Ramsey’s show, a talk radio program with a mix of financial and biblical principles. It is interesting to note that your debt of love for another person is never actually "paid up" -- it serves as a standing debt for anyone who follows Jesus. How does thinking about loving others as a debt alter your perspective on loving your neighbor as yourself? Who could you “pay” today that otherwise might have gone unnoticed without this devotion? Pay up – to the glory of God!

Ponder these four questions
with God now

(and eventually a group of others):

  1. Who paid a debt of love to me this past week?
    Thank God.
  2. Who failed to pay a debt of love?
    Forgive and pray for them.
  3. For whom did I fail to pay a debt of love?
    Seek forgiveness.
  4. For whom did I successfully pay a debt of love?
    Praise God!


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Father God, You have said in Galatians 5:18 that we don’t live under the law, but led by Your Spirit. You also taught us in Romans 8:12-13 that we have an obligation to live by that Holy Spirit.

Help us to live under Your Spirit so that we may end up fulfilling Your command to love one another.

In the name of Your Son Jesus I pray. Amen.

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