September 29, 2022

Discipleship Point and Prayer

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The prideful soul can be successful - at all the things that ultimately do not matter. He will have no success where it really counts... What is missing in his life is the power of humility. While humility sounds like an anemic word to some, in reality it unleashes divine power that can raise us to life on a new and higher plane.

p.87,88, The Prideful Soul’s Guide to Humility, Fontenot/Jones

Humility Prayer

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Lord Jesus, thinking of Stephen’s story in light of your teaching, I pray that you help me to love my enemies, pray for those who persecute me and be willing to both die and live sacrificially. As Stephen honored you, so may I. Amen.

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Discipleship Point

Why and how are missional practices aligned to the Missio Dei?

Today we focus on part one:

Missional practices, performances, facilities, properties, and arrangements are beneficial aids, which must be aligned to the mission of God…. Any missional practices in a healthy missional congregation will be designed for making Gospel contact, useful for connecting, caring, cultivating, communicating, and community-creating, all with the intention of pointing the focus to Christ’s apostolic authority. Thus, it is important for congregations to examine who they are – their whole mission ethos, culture, and behavior. In order to be missional, a congregation must solidly understand the difference between the sending of God and human-appointed sending practices. The sending practices point to the mission of God but are not by themselves the mission of God.)

Discipleship Prayer

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Lord Jesus, we pray that our local congregation is missional in her practices, making Gospel contacts that are useful for connecting, caring, cultivating, communicating, and community-creating. In Your name Jesus we pray. Amen.

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