October 6, 2022

Discipleship Point and Prayer

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When someone finds favor in God's eyes, the things that count the most will be there in ever-increasing fashion. Humility will never mean an absence of problems. It will not mean comfort and ease, but it will bring an assortment of circumstances and experiences that God will blend together to make life rich and full of depth and meaning.

p.158, The Prideful Soul’s Guide to Humility, Fontenot/Jones

Humility Prayer

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Father God, keep me from pride amid the times of abundant resources; keep me from bitterness amid the times of scant resources. Keep my spirit content and generous at all times, like the Apostle Paul at all times (Philippians 4:11). Amen.

Philippians 4:11

11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.

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Discipleship Point

A Sending Creed (based on Apostle’s Creed)

God, the sending Father, the Almighty creator of the cosmos, Sent His only Son Jesus Christ to be conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He was sent to proclaim freedom. He then suffered at the hands of many, including Pontius Pilate. He was crucified, died, and buried. Within three days, He descended into hell to proclaim victory and rose to life granting God’s righteousness by grace through faith. Forty days later, He ascended to heaven. He now eternally reigns at the right hand of His Father. He is judge of all the living and the dead, and He gives life to all who believe in Him. After the ascension, the Father and Son sent the Holy Spirit to boldly make and call all followers of Christ to His holy apostolic church. He calls us, a community of believers, who are sent to all people with power and strength, courage, and gifts to proclaim the Good News. As the apostles were sent, people believed. As those people believed, they, too, were sent. As they were sent, now we believe. And as we believe, we are sent. Amen.
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[Insert your own prayer about the devotion today.]

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