November 5, 2022

Called to Gather, Pray, and Worship

Blessed to be a Blessing

I am Blessed to be a Blessing

2 Corinthians 13:11

Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you. 

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Pondering Point

Wow: Rejoice – and STRIVE for full restoration. Live in peace, encourage each other and be of one mind. These challenges are being laid down to a group of people – with the clause that doing so includes having “the God of love and peace” be with you. That makes it a collective blessing, not merely an individual one.

My Gratitude Journal

LIVE HOPE, part 2: The House of Blues

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The LCMS held its 2007 National Youth Gathering in Orlando. I was serving on the Steering Committee and LIVE HOPE’s worship team had been in place for a few years. The Committee came to worship at Hope which led to an opportunity for the band to lead worship at the House of Blues as part of the NYG’s worship sites. With roadies in tow, the team unloaded backstage, special passes and all! We set up for sound check and worship prep. There was nervousness and excitement; yet it was a thrill to play a well-known venue, turning the House of Blues into the House of the Lord. Gail Swanson had used her sewing skills to create a huge banner with LIVE HOPE’s logo that traversed the stage above us. Jesus got to be the center. We sang, they sang. We worshipped, they worshipped. As the long lyric cries out, “There is joy in the House of Lord!” What a joy it was!

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