November 12, 2022

Called to Gather, Pray, and Worship

Blessed to be a Blessing

I am Blessed to be a Blessing

Romans 15:5-6

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

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Pondering Point

Alright married folks, are you ready to embrace this blessing upon your union? Just like we want our churches to glorify God with one mind and voice (don’t we?), our marriages would benefit from a similar concept: Is it OUR goal to glorify God in and through our marriage by being of one mind and voice?

My Gratitude Journal

The Birth of Hope’s Memorial Garden

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Gratitude Journal?
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The Memorial Garden started thanks to Revelations George Loose, retired pastor from Lutheran Haven. He and wife Shirley sat down with me one day to discuss helping with ministry at Hope – on his dime. He wanted to lend a hand with this “upstart church down the road.” Offering to pay his own way, he assisted in any ministry needing to be done – visitation, preaching, bible class. I can still see him sitting on his elevated chair peering over the pulpit. (Yes, Hope used to have a pulpit – and pews!)

He became a confidante and sounding board; a godsend at that time. From resources at his disposal outside of Hope, he gladly funded plans, prep, and installation of the memorial garden. He and Shirley have both been commemorated there as well as dozens of others over the years.

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