June 5, 2023

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Disciples follow Jesus’ mission
to seek and save the lost

Following Jesus as We Come 'n Go

Luke 15:6

He calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep. 

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Pondering Point

Come and rejoice! This week’s theme for discipleship is taken from the ‘lost’ chapter of Luke (15) where Jesus recounts three parables about what has been lost.

Today’s Scripture above is from part one. Do you know what occasioned such teachings from Jesus? It was a “muttering” among church leaders about the kindness Jesus was displaying toward unsavory characters labeled as “sinners.”

The desired response in each parable from Jesus is the same: Rejoice with the one who just found what was lost. That is a far cry from the muttering they were uttering. As Romans 12:15 says, let us rejoice with those who rejoice – especially if the one rejoicing is Jesus!

Prayer for the Day

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Father God, help us not be so engrossed in our own world that we miss out on celebrations of other people, particularly their spiritual blessings or victories. Even more so help us celebrate Your victories in other people’s lives. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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