Discipleship Response
Missionary Proclaimer
James 5:16
Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

Pondering Point
If you were to look for God's desires in just this verse, what would you come up with?
- He desires that we confess our sins to each other;
- He desires that we pray for each other;
- He desires that we experience healing.
Have a conversation with God about His desires for you in this case. Then have a conversation with a trusted brother or sister about this verse as well, taking time to confess your sins and pray for each other that God might grant healing. Your confession does not have to be with someone that you directly offended. You could simply be confessing sins “of thought, word, and deed” to a friend that you trust to keep it confidential. But don’t forget to seek forgiveness from a fellow believer when you have sinned against them.

What sins would God have you confess? Which brothers or sisters do you trust to hear your confession for you? Are you trustworthy to hear a confess and pray?

Repent if Necessary
Repent of whatever sins crossed your mind – BUT take time to confess those sins to another person. They may consider confessing sins to you as well.

Return as Necessary
The idea of confessing to others may be new to you or outside your comfort zone. Nevertheless, part of “returning” to God is submitting to His ways in this
and other matters.
Prayer for the Day

Lord God, teach me the value of acting in obedience to Your call to confess our sins to one another.
In Jesus’ name I ask this. Amen.