July 31, 2023

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Disciples share Jesus’ heart of
compassion for ministering
to the crowds.

Both Jesus and the disciples had already been doing ministry to the point of weariness, as our Tuesday Gospel reading from Mark six describes. Yet with minimal time to retreat, reset and restore (Mark 6:32-33), Jesus’ compassion is ready to pour out again – and the disciples were right there with Him all day. But Jesus still had much to teach His closest disciples – a life-altering lesson about supply and demand for both the crowds and the disciples. God bless our time in Your Word this week about living with godly compassion.

Following Jesus as We Come 'n Go

Luke 10:37b

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

The above verse was an answer from Jesus.  It comes in response to a question posed from a listener: “who is my neighbor?”.

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Pondering Point

Imagine if we narrowed our definition of neighbor to be only people for whom we do things (as the Good Samaritan does for his neighbor). To whom have you been a neighbor? How many neighbors would you have? Where do they live? Would those living next-door fit the definition of neighbor or merely be people who breathe the same air and share the same roads and sidewalks? Based on Jesus’ encouragement that the rich man “go and do likewise,” go practice some neighborly activities.

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Prayer for the Day

Lord Jesus, help me "go and do likewise",
becoming the neighbor You desire of me regardless of who happens to be around me. In Your name I pray. Amen.

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