August 2, 2023

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of Joy

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
The old is gone, the new has come!
~ Apostle Paul

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Pondering Point

It is easy to adopt negative agreements about ourselves such as “I will never change” or “I will always be this way.” But that is neither helpful not true. The Casting Crowns song Voice of Truth describes the giant that is reminding me of all the times I tried before and failed. But the Voice of Truth, the voice of Christ, tells you and me a different story. The story from God is this: In Christ you and I are new creations; the old is gone and the new has come. Believe and celebrate that you can be different. To not believe this is to make an agreement contrary to what the Bible teaches about you and about God's ability to work in and through you. This includes your ability to be a compassionate, kind, and non-angry person. With the help of the Spirit, you are enabled to display fruit-of-the-Spirit characteristics while also diminishing ungodly characteristics born from our sinful nature.

Prayer for the Day

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I thank You Heavenly Father for making me a new creation with a new heart and renewed mind. I pray that my new heart and mind work with Your Holy Spirit to carry out Your will so that I can be compassionate as You desire, show kindness as you desire, live as You desire. Help me to see myself the way You see me. (We add
to this prayer tomorrow)

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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