October 31, 2023

Finding Joy in the Journey
Instructions - Part 2

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While we're preparing to build joy, let’s introduce the concept of joy in this journey. Brain science describes joy as a high-energy emotion (though it is more than an emotion). Its healthy low-energy counterpoint is peace. These are the second and third fruit of the Spirit following love itself (Galatians 5:22).

Galatians 5:22-23

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

While joy can be categorized as high energy, it is not always appropriate to equate it with happiness. Here is an example of a how a memory, though triggering difficult emotions can still be a glad-to-be-together experience.

I began thinking of a college friend who brought me joy but was then hit with a sad memory knowing he did not return to school; I lost a friend. As I shared this sadness with a current friend, he mourned that loss with me, and I found myself glad to have someone with me in my sad moment. This is glad-to-be-together joy with someone who mourned a loss with me.

On a smaller scale: I was looking forward to playing pool with friends (anticipated joy). I became sad that the opportunity was ruined because I got sick (loss).But I was glad my wife stayed home with me, made soup for us, and watched a movie (glad to be together in my sadness, then building joy).

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SIDE NOTE: Regarding how to navigate each five-minute commitment, we suggest using an alarm. This frees you up from watching a clock. Remember: It is better sharing these joys with partners, with friends, and with God. But it is good to ponder them on your own as well.

JOY: Who brings you glad-to-be-with-you joy when you are going through trying times? Enjoy your thoughts about them with God. Consider celebrating with them through a call, text or visit. I’m sure God would love being part of that moment.

In the course of this next month, you will be introduced to a few books that revolved around this topic of joy and peace in the life of a disciple, a Jesus-follower.

If you are participating in this with Hope Lutheran church, we are going to follow this 30-day experience up with a year-long, dive into the foundational fruit of the Christian life – love, joy, and peace.

For now, enjoy the fruits of reading through the following book around your joy windows or other times.

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Marcus Warner and Chris Coursey show us how to build habits that fill our lives with greater joy and satisfaction. Based on the latest neuroscience and attachment theory—but written in everyday language—The 4 Habits of Joy-Filled People is practical and easy to comprehend. They provide exercises and tools we can put into practice immediately. Joy is possible. It doesn’t have to be a random experience that catches you by surprise now and then. Some of the most joyful people have endured unbelievable trauma. Discover the skills and habits you can develop that will enhance your very quality of life.

We are almost ready. A thought for the final day of prepping. Although this is not a verse specifically about joy, it is related to its cousin peace, the low-energy companion to joy

Matthew 11:28-30

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

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This icon represents a prayer borrowed from Wild at Heart’s ministry, used in their daily pause App. The activity is defined as Benevolent Detachment. The phrase used is easy enough to memorize. I will be encouraging you to consider incorporating it into the beginning and ending of your day. After a few reminders, all you will see is the icon. Here is the phrase:

I give everyone and everything to You God;
I give everyone and everything to You.

And finally…

This page break will help divide the three parts of each day.

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Prayer Prompt for the Day

[Insert your own prayer about the devotions that we will be starting in November.]

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