November 2, 2023

Day 2 of Finding Joy in the Journey

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Matthew 13:44

Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found, and hid. In his joy, he goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field.

What and whom do you treasure? Joyful events and the people associated with them are great memories. As we look back, we often have a sense of appreciation. This may be why author Chris Coursey calls these moments “packaged joy.” Such times elicit gratitude. The concepts of joy, appreciation or gratitude can be dwelt on during the five-minute windows. This concept of appreciation gives us the opportunity to work on an Anchor Memory described in the introduction.

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Anchor memories recall a time or place that bring a sense of joy or peace to us. In fact, it probably elicits a smile as soon as it comes to mind. As mentioned earlier, If God is present with you in that moment, all the better. But not to worry, not everyone has such a memory with God present in this way. Any memory producing a sense of peace or appreciation works, a time when things worked out in a way you remember with fondness. This becomes your anchor memory, a time you can draw on to settle your spirit whenever you begin to feel overwhelmed by other emotions.

Session A: Focus on potential anchor memories from your past. You don’t have to settle on the first one that comes to mind. The memory should bring you into a place of joy or peace. Try to think of how your body feels during joy generally. How does it feel during peaceful moments? Once you think of one or two potential anchor memories, spend 5 minutes dwelling on them. Then write key words to trigger the memories you used today. 

Journal Prompt:  
Potential anchor memories from
my past:

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Key Words:  

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Lastly, read the following thought from Jesus derived from Matthew 13:44.

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[Immanuel thought] My child, I treasure you as part of My Father’s Kingdom. For the joy set before Me, I endured the cross, giving up My very life, to buy you back – to redeem you. The fields are ripe for harvest My child. I love when you to join Me in gleaning those fields!

How do you feel listening to this possible thought from Jesus? What does it cause you to think? You can journal about this.

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[Finish this devotion with your own prayer.]    

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Week One’s Reading assignment is pp. 1-13 of Joyful Journey.

The Finding Joy marker is the separator between the morning and afternoon devotions, and the afternoon and evening devotions.

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Afternoon Session

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Acts 2:2 (from Psalm 16:11)

You have made known to me the paths of life; you will make me full of gladness with your presence.

The more often we check in with God, the easier it becomes to let Him make known His paths to us – paths that fill us with gladness. Here is a quote from this week’s reading:

There are many reasons to improve our awareness of God's active presence in our lives. The best reason is the guidance and friendship we receive from "checking in" with God throughout the day. Other benefits include healing emotional wounds, enhancing character and building community.
p. 1, JJ, WKLL
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Session B: We are staying with the anchor memory theme, hoping to identify one (or two) events that can help soothe you in the midst of difficult emotions moving forward. Let’s step into the session with a prayer for help. Father God, help us recall a few events from our past that can be used to soothe us during difficult times. Amen. Now Spend 5 minutes dwelling on joy(s).

Journal Prompt:  
Potential anchor memories
from my past:

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Key Words:  

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Having written out a few key words of joyful memories, finish this session with the prayer conversation below:

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Lord God, I ask that You make known to me the paths of life; fill me with the gladness of Your presence. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

“Immanuel journaling is designed to take us through the sequence our brain uses to metabolize pain. Following the order our brain uses provides the simplest path from pain to redemption as well as nourishment for our souls. Immanuel journaling leads us to a place of gratitude and where our relational circuits are restored and activated.”
p. 31, JJ, WKLL
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I give everyone and everything to You God;
I give everyone and everything to You.

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Evening Session

“Joy is a high-energy emotion related to knowing that someone is happy to see me. The relational happiness we feel when we experience spontaneous joy can also be experienced when we relive joyful moments from the past or anticipate joyful moments in the future.”
p. 33, The 4 Habits, Warner, Coursey

Session C: Before your final 5-minute window today, take a moment to focus on a gratitude from the day – a thing or person you appreciated. Then move into your joyful memories in pursuit of an anchor memory. Finish with worship joy toward God using the bible verse and insight below.

Journal Prompt:  
Potential anchor memories
from my past:

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Key Words:  

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Isaiah 9:3 ESV

You have multiplied the nation; you have increased its joy; they rejoice
before you as with joy at the harvest, as they
are glad when they divide the spoil.

The above verse references the coming Messiah Jesus for Israel and us. It is the same section of Isaiah (9:7) that speaks of the Messiah as Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace – quoted in Handel’s Messiah, a source of musical joy for millions by now. Consider listening to a portion of it for worship time.


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Messiah Jesus, increase our joy in our day. Let us rejoice before You as those celebrating a harvest of joy, one that includes people as treasures who have been included in the harvest of souls. Amen.

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