July 26, 2024

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Friday's Bit of Discipleship

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Proud leaders and humble leaders have something special in common: neither of them knows it. For the proud believe them-selves sufficiently humbled to get on with their "great things", while the humble (not falsely humble, i.e. self-disparagement, but genuinely humble of heart) believe themselves to be sufficiently proud to mandate more listening and learning. Both leaders are deceived, but which would you rather be?
p. 111, 112, Prideful Soul’s Guide to Humility, Fontenot/Jones

Humility Prayer

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Father God, only you know me fully. Don’t let my self-deception lead to ungodly perspectives and attitudes. I pray to avoid pride and false humility. I pray to exhibit godliness and true humility. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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Discipleship Point

About Sin

What severed the relationship between God and humanity? And what were the consequences? Though we were created in the image of God and therefore in perfect harmony with him, we willfully disobeyed God's authority and distrusted his goodness. As a consequence our relationship with God was broken, resulting in spiritual death, which in turn tarnished our relationship with ourselves, others and creation (Disc. Essentials, Ogden, p. 81).


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Lord Jesus, thanks again for restoring me and all believers to our Heavenly Father. You are a life-saver by being a life-giver. Yes, sin is real and so is death, but You have won the victory over sin and death. I relish the truth that God shares Your victory with us through faith in You our Lord. Your goodness cannot be fathomed. Thank You Jesus, thank You.

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