August 2, 2024

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Friday's Bit of Discipleship

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At its very heart, being discipled is an exercise in humility. Being discipled means allowing other people to help you with your life and your character. The prideful soul will not allow it. No one will ever receive and benefit from discipling unless there is a depth of humility. Jesus told His closest friends that they would not even enter the kingdom of heaven, much less become great, unless they changed and humbled themselves (Matthew 18:1-4).
p. 89, The Prideful Soul’s Guide to Humility, Fontenot/Jones

Humility Prayer

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Father God, help me see the value of humbling myself and letting You disciple me through others. Further than that, help me put this philosophy into practice in my day to day schedule and agenda. May I live to Your glory in Jesus’ name.

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Discipleship Point

About the role of Rest in Spiritual Growth

Just as corporate worship (generally Sundays) is centered on God, all of our lives are to be centered around God, His word, and His will for our lives. This could be a description of our “spiritual act of worship” from Romans 12:1. During the week, expect God to be communicating; expect to receive blessings from God through His Word by reading, hearing, or remembering it. Expect blessings from His Body as you interact with other Christian friends and family. The Holy Spirit uses these and other life experiences to love you, bless you, shape you, use you and draw you to Himself. This is God’s heart for people, which we get a glimpse of through these words of Jesus: "How often I have longed to gather [you] together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing" (Luke 13:34).

Those words of Jesus, "you were not willing", hard-hitting as they may be, are quite telling: Just as church members don’t benefit from corporate worship without actually being there, neither do we automatically benefit from daily worship opportunities (personal, cultivating, or group relationships) without actually engaging in them during your week. This is why, at Hope, we highly encourage you to create space for such opportunities rather than merely hoping they happen. We encourage you to build God into your daily life as an act of worship.

The question comes to ask: Is He worthy of this kind of intentionality? You already know Hope’s answer, but you have
to make that decision yourself, not just in word, but in deed. As the disciple John says, "let’s not love with words or speech (only) but with actions and in truth" ~ 1 John 3:18.

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Father God, help me build You into my daily life as an act of worship. Amen.

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