August 30, 2024

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Friday's Bit of Discipleship

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God loves us so much and wants to bless us so much that He allows events and people to interact with our lives in ways that we would never consciously choose. God's active process of humbling us is not to make our lives miserable but to truly make our lives awesome. What is essential is reminding ourselves of his power and goodness even when bitter arrows fly our way.
p.72, The Prideful Soul’s Guide to Humility, Fontenot/Jones

Humility Prayer

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Thank you God for loving me so much and blessing me through events and people that intersect with my life in ways I would not consciously choose. As you continue to more deeply humble me, remind me to lean into Your power and goodness to fend off whatever bitter arrows fly my way. In Jesus I pray. Amen.

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Discipleship Point

About About Spiritual Warfare: 

Ephesians with a warning and encouragement. Making disciples is not something done in neutral, safe territory – it happens amid spiritual warfare. There is always a battle to fight. As we help others deal with their sin nature and besetting sin, the devil works against us and seeks to frustrate the process and sideline people who are growing… but we do not fight unarmed or unprotected; hence the armor of God. In your own life, you too will struggle against the devil as you grow and change. This battle is ever-present, and the enemy will try to persuade you to justify your own sin… or he will shame you with it so you feel like giving up! To succeed, we must be ready. We need to have our armor on, prepare to stand our ground (Putnam, DiscipleShift, pages 90,91)

Discipleship Prayer

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Our Discipleship Prayer is an armor of God prayer we use in our discipleship ministry. It is adapted from John Eldredge’s Wild at Heart book and Ransomed Heart Ministries.

Praying on the Armor of God

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The following prayer mixes in Apostle Paul’s Armor of God description taken from Ephesians 6:10-20 with specific prayer language that you can use to “put on” each piece God provides so you can prevail in battle against the forces of Satan. The prayer helps you understand the meaning of each piece as well.

“Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist...”

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Lord, I put on the belt of truth. I choose a lifestyle of honesty and integrity. Show me truths I so desperately need today. Expose the lies I’m not aware that I am believing.

“with the breastplate of righteousness in place...”

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Lord, I put on Your righteousness today to sustain me against all condemnation and corruption. Let me live and battle out of Your holiness and purity, and defend me from all attacks aimed my heart.

“and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.”

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I rejoice in the peace I have with You God through Jesus Christ my Lord ; I seek to let that gospel peace drive my relationships with others as well that I may be ready to battle with enemies not of the flesh but of the spiritual realms.

“In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one...”

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Jesus, I lift against every lie and assault of the enemy the confidence that You are good, and that You have good in store for me. Nothing today is coming that can overcome me, because You are with me. Give me discernment to see the attacks of the Evil one for what they are and deflect them in Your name.

“Take the helmet of salvation...”

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Thank you, Lord, for my salvation. I receive it in a new and fresh way from You and I declare that nothing can separate me from the love of Christ (Romans 8:38-39) and the place I will have in Your kingdom.

“and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”

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Holy Spirit, show me specifically the truths of the God’s Word that I will need to counter assaults and snares of the Enemy. Bring them to mind throughout the day. I know when Jesus faced the devil’s temptations in the wilderness, he always countered the Enemy’s lies with, “It is written...”.  In order to face these challenges, please grant me wisdom and knowledge through your word.

Ephesians 6:18

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.


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Holy Spirit, I seek to be in step with you
in everything, communing with you in
prayer throughout the day. In Jesus I pray.

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