September 1, 2024

Call to Gather, Pray, and Worship God

3 John 1:14b

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I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face. Peace to you. The friends here send their greetings. Greet the friends there by name.
~Apostle John

Pondering Point

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Our theme for the week can be a disquieting one – loving those who hate us or mistreat us. It may dredge up feelings of rejection, betrayal, or disappointment. John’s blessing of “Peace to you” is easy among friends, harder among those who rub us the wrong way, hardest among those who hope to see us falter or fail or die.
But don’t let your enemies or struggles define you. Let your Father and Savior Jesus define you and strengthen you against enemies.

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[Insert your own prayer about the devotions this week and what is on your heart.]

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