Freed Ones
Thursday's Discipleship Response
Romans 6:22
Now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.
~ Apostle Paul
• In Christ, I am a child of God by faith, able to celebrate wellness through Jesus and go in peace.
Pondering Point

Following up on yesterday's point of being set free by Jesus, freed from sin does not mean that we do not have enslavement matters. We are still slaves, but to God, the greatest, kindest Master – the God who would give His only Son so that we could be His and live in Him. The benefits of being God's slaves are eternal life and the cool experience of being set apart to be His own. Let’s review of role as slaves to God.

Do you embrace imagery of being a slave under God? If so, how does it impact your way of life? Do you resist the concept or language? If so, why? Do you see a difference between this slavery and mankind’s version?

Repent if Necessary
Repent if necessary of conflating (improperly combining) man’s sinful enslavement with God’s holy arrangement of to live under this biblical enslavement to Him.

Return (as necessary)
Ask God to help you submit to this form of relationship with Him the benevolent and kind Master of all creation.
Prayer for the Day

Thank You God for setting us apart and making us Your own. May all forms of enslavement that do not honor You be broken. May healthy “enslavement” to You as our Master find acceptance in our lives. Amen.