Sunday One Another Commands
Do Good for Each Other

1 Thessalonians 5:15
Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.
Pondering Point

Part of our life of discipleship is putting into practice what God asks of His people. In some cases, your behavior will look like any decent human being whether one is Christian or not. Other times, your behavior should show a marked difference from the rest of non-Christian humanity. The idea of not repaying wrong for wrong, but instead doing good, probably falls into the latter category. It is not a natural inclination for most people. So, as a disciple of Jesus – with God’s help – I commit to:
- NOT repay wrong for wrong
- Strive to do what is good for others individually
- Strive to do what is good for others collectively
Try to imagine what this will look like in your life. Who is wronging you currently? How could you do good for him/her/them? How could you do good for a collective group of people this week? Make a choice to do something good and share your commitment with someone else (like your micro-group partners). Then find time to go over the following questions together:
Ponder these four questions with God now
(and eventually a group of others):
- Who had been doing good to you lately? Thank God for them.
- Who has failed to do good to you? Forgive and pray for them.
- To whom have you failed to do good? Repent and start now.
- To whom have you been doing good to you lately?
Thank God for your faithfulness here – and keep it up!
Prayer for the Day

Enable me to make sure that I don’t “pay back wrong for wrong” but that I always strive to “do what is good for each other and for everyone else.” Help me to stay close to You so that I don't get off track from this desire. Help me stay close to You so that if I begin to pay back a wrong with a wrong, You can get my attention and alter my plans. I don't want to strive to do wrong; I want to strive to “do” godliness -- for You, for others -- even for myself. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.