August 21, 2022

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Micro-Group Reflection Week One:
The life of Jesus as an example
of participating in Micro-Groups

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With micro-groups (MGs) defined chiefly as 2-4 people, an obvious MG in the life of Jesus is the trio of Peter, James and John. He did activities with them that His Small Group (SG) known as the Twelve missed out on. He took only those three for the healing of Jairus’ daughter (Mark 5:37-43). Only they went up the mountain with Jesus during His transfiguration and meeting with Elijah and Moses (Mark 9:2-4). He took them deeper into the Garden of Gethsemane during His heart-wrenching prayer time the night of His arrest (Mark 14:32-34).

But there's more than one MG in the life of Jesus. He enjoyed a close relationship with the family of Mary, Martha and Lazarus as we will see later this week. For now, answer this question (and consider taking notes to share in your MG/SG gathering).

He did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John the brother of James.
~ Mark 5:37

  • Who “adopted” you into their lives allowing you to be part of a second family of sorts? 

Prayer for the Week

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Ask God to bless the marital MGs that you are closely connected to -- including your own if you have one. Pray specifically that God is welcome and sought after.

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