August 27, 2022

Called to Gather Together in Groups

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Pondering Point

Clearly Peter, James and John were open to the spiritual component of connecting with Jesus. Great for them. This was not something everyone wanted -- then or now. Read over the following descriptions to get a read on whether particular relationships in your life are open to God’s presence in them. It is okay that some are not at this point. “Shake the dust off of your feet” for now (Matthew 10:14); move on to other opportunities. Maybe that relationship will be open at a later time.


“I expect God to be a regular part of conversation with you.”
These types of people will pray for you, pray with you – and want you to pray for them.


“I look forward to conversations about God with you.”
These types of people might be uncomfortable praying with you, but often appreciate prayers from you concerning them.


“I am open to a conversation about God with you.”
These types of people may or may not be comfortable asking for prayer but would not likely turn it down if offered.


“I welcome you but prefer that we leave God out of the conversation.”
These types of people may be uncomfortable with conversation about prayer at all let alone actual prayer.


“You are not welcome if you're going to bring God up.”
These types of people will actively speak against religion and prefer you not even pray about them let alone bring it up.


“I don’t like you because of your views on God!”
These types of people are hateful toward God and may bring up God as an irritant; they often mock and/or verbally abuse your Christian viewpoint.

Note that we did not identify people as believers in any category. Believers and non-believers can be scattered throughout these descriptions.

As you ponder your current set of friends (and acquaintances?) both local and global, place them along the continuum below:

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As one might imagine, there will be many micro-relationships in life that are not necessarily spiritual in nature, let alone God-centered.

For instance, while you are more than welcome to engage a cashier with kindness and humor, this is not about you trying to create a deep spiritual connection in the grocery line. (Of course, if there is no one else around and you have time, you might just end up in a "John 4 moment" like Jesus did with the woman at the well). But there are people interested in traveling paths similar to yours, many open not only to a spiritual connection with God between you, but specifically open to the way of Jesus. Connected to each other and Jesus is a great combination!

Which micro-relationships in your life might you see as possibilities to either start or deepen a God-centered component between you?

Pray for the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the possibilities. you can use the one that follows if you like.

Prayer for the Day

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Spirit of God, open my eyes to the people around me who are interested in a spiritual component to our mutual relationship, whether they are co-workers, neighbors, or even casual acquaintances. Let my Jesus-light shine with an attractive glow that draws those open to the love of Jesus and His gospel message. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is the first week of the Micro-Group lessons.  

Click here to jump back to Monday's lesson in order to start at the beginning.

Use the Tomorrow button on each page to navigate to the next devotion.

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