August 28, 2022

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Micro-Group Reflection Week Two:
The life of Peter as an example
of participating in Micro-Groups

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One naturally occurring MG is a birth family. We all get born, but we don’t all get born into God-centered families like Jesus did – or even into families at all! This week, through the disciple Simon Peter, we note a second naturally occurring MG/SG scenario, that of marriage (Matthew 8:14-15).

Matthew 8:14-15

14 When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever. 15 He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him.

Just as with birth families, some families created through marriage are God-centered and others are not. Of course, not everyone gets married, but for those who do, this naturally occurring relationship is intended to be built around God – both for the couple itself and when a blessing of children comes along with it. Take a moment to answer the following questions based on your marital situation:

  • If currently (or previously) married: Consider God’s place in your marriage/family. What role (if any) does or did God play in this MG/SG for you? Is He involved? Central? Invited? Acknowledged? Ignored? Included or excluded?

-- OR --

  • If currently not married: With minimal judgment, describe some MG/SG experiences that you have had in connection to others such as parents, adult children, friends or co-workers?

Prayer for the Week

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Ask God to bless the marital MGs that you are closely connected to -- including your own if you have one. Pray specifically that God is welcome and sought after.

This is the second week of the Micro-Group lessons.  

The first week starts here.

Use the Tomorrow button on each page to navigate to the next devotion.

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