September 5, 2022

A Micro-Group Look at 1 Peter 5:8

vigilant (adjective)

Definition of vigilant:
alertly watchful especially to avoid danger.

To “keep vigil” – or be vigilant – is something Jesus sought out of His disciples.

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Pondering Point

Peter reminded His Christian readers (or hearers) to be sober and vigilant in the face of spiritual dangers. This is likely another of those discipleship lessons he learned personally from Jesus – the hard way. When Jesus was entering the Garden of Gethsemane on the night of His impending arrest, Mark 14:34 records Him saying,

Mark 14:34

My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death; Stay here and keep watch.

Of course – Peter, along with the other disciples, fell asleep despite the warning to keep watch. It wasn’t just the physical danger at hand, as Peter would learn. Peter saw his weakened flesh give in to the temptation later that night to deny his Lord three times. And this was despite his insistence that such a thing would never happen. He is not the first – nor last – to over-estimate his spiritual stamina and courage. God help us all.


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Father God, teach me vigilance not just regarding the evil and temptations I see, but to be prepared for those I cannot see as well. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

This is the third week of the Micro-Group lessons.  

The first week starts here.

The second week starts here.

The third week starts here.

Use the Tomorrow button on each page to navigate to the next devotion.

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