September 15, 2022

Discipleship Focus on Groups

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Pondering Point

The introduction of this father-son dynamic brings a different but very Jesus-like wrinkle to small group (SG) and Micro-group (MG) environments. Jesus was more than a peer to His disciples; He was their teacher and Lord. Paul too is clearly operating as more than a peer, looking to mentor these young men who are leading other people in the Christian faith in Ephesus (Timothy) and Crete (Titus). This could be considered a classic example of one disciple (Paul) making disciples of others (Timothy, Titus) who are in turn making disciples of yet others (Ephesians, Cretans). We view this as one of the keys of life as a disciple who participates in SGs and MGs.

Having touched on who discipled or mentored you yesterday, we flip the script and consider our own mentoring and discipling roles. It is like a bonus review added to yesterday.

Timothy and Titus took their discipleship training gleaned from the Apostle Paul and invested in others. Who have you led spiritually in the past? Who are you teaching or leading spiritually currently? Are you continuing to receive from spiritual mentors to keep you sharp as a discipler of others? Write down a list of those you available to you spiritually for mentoring:

Journal Prompts:  
Who was available to mentor you in your past?

Who is available to mentor you in the present? 

Who will be available to mentor you in the future?

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Discipleship Prayer

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Father God, bless my life with disciples who inspire and shape me; bless others through my life of discipleship pouring into them. I pray this in the name of my discipler Jesus. Amen.

This is the fourth week of the Micro-Group lessons.  

The start of the first week is available here.

The start of the second week is available here.

The third week starts here.

The fourth week starts here.

Use the Tomorrow button on each page to navigate to the next devotion.

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