November 8, 2022

Biblical Teachings on Prayer

1 Peter 3:7

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Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.
~ Peter

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Pondering Point

For those of you married (or dating), Peter acknowledges that mistreatment of one’s wife can be a hindrance to a husband’s prayer life. One might imagine that poor treatment by a wife might create similar results. Consider this teaching a good reminder not to bother trying to compartmentalize your spiritual life from the other parts of life.

Malachi chapter 2 brings a similar message to light, that our relationship with God is impacted by how one treats a spouse. God shares there that He sees how we interact, and that our actions serve as a testimony to our faithfulness or lack thereof.

As an aside, if you’re getting hung up on the Apostle Peter’s words about women being defined as “the weaker partner,” consider language use in Eugene Peterson’s The Message, where he speaks of women as those who lack some of the advantages of men. That has clearly been the case in many patriarchal societies.

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Father God, if my prayers are being hindered by a sinful lifestyle, please show me that I may take measures to correct them. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

My Gratitude Journal

Any Given Sunday: One Life-Altering Conversation

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Gratitude Journal?
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Tina Eaton, working full time in the bank industry at the time, had been mulling over a dream stirring in her soul. Was it from God or of her own imagination? After worship one day, she and I chatted about her love of children and a desire to teach them.

Was there something more that she could – maybe should – pursue?

That conversation led to a decision by Tina to go back to school and pursue a degree in early childhood education, which led to a mom’s day out program for her and Hope. That led to Hope’s opening of a preschool. As months and years passed, Tina went from teaching to directing – all the while discipling little children and their parents.

Hundreds of children and parents of our community have passed through Hope’s Preschool and Tina’s loving arms. How blessed Tina and Hope the community have been through this risk-taking move.

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