November 15, 2022

Biblical Teachings on Prayer

1 Chronicles 16:11

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Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.
~ King David

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Pondering Point

This teaching on prayer is paired with our week on obedience toward God.

Are you hoping to become a follower of Jesus that is obedient, consistent, and submitted to His will? David’s way is to "look to the Lord and HIS strength – to seek His face!"

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Lord God, I seek Your face and look to You for strength – for Your strength to be all that I need.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

My Gratitude Journal

Middle School Youth Gathering

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What is the 
Gratitude Journal?
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Early in my pastoral career, I had the privilege of leading youth ministry at the district level. That carried over when I arrived at Hope in 1999. While leading a Middle School Gathering, Hope’s youth joined in the fun. We participated in a worship event using mud as an equivalent to sin. Youth came up front, dipped hands in mud, then “shared the peace” by shaking hands with each other.

Some obviously would not participate in the mess; others gladly got their hands dirty. My job was to get in the mud, cover myself head-to-toe, then wash only my hands – a symbol of repentance and cleansing that was merely superficial, not comprehensive.

Once mud-covered, I tried to greet others with enthusiastic hugs and shoulder-bumps. The youth were having none of it, but a few adults showed me the love, willing to get muddy to do so. It was a blast. I was still digging dirt out from under my nails the next day, but it was worth the look on the faces and the lesson in true repentance.

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