November 22, 2022

Biblical Teachings on Prayer

Philippians 4:6

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Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
~ Apostle Paul

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Pondering Point

The fact that Paul tells us not to be anxious belies the reality that people often are anxious. The question is what to do about it. Do not be anxious about any one thing – he shares – but keep it within the perspective of everything else going on. See the anxiety-producing issue in relation to the big picture and then…

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Prayer Prompt for the Day

... with prayer, petition, and thanksgiving for your overall circumstances – share your request with God about the issues causing anxiety.

My Gratitude Journal

Fighting Champ: Mrs. David Crosby

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Gratitude Journal?
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To know Helen Crosby was to know a fighter. Diagnosed with stage four cancer, she FAR outlived her anticipated life span. There was of course much more to her than this fact. She loved sports cars. You could see her posed next to a beautiful red one when you visited her home. She loved David even more. Long after her husband was called home, she introduced herself as Mrs. David Crosby.

Beyond being merely endearing, it showed what a deep connection she had. That said, she loved her Lord Jesus even more! It seemed nothing could steal her joy. Oh, there were a few days, but by God (literally “by God” she would tell you) she kept praising the Lord through it, thanking Him for another day. She praised God through over a hundred chemo treatments! She inspired other cancer battlers to become cancer survivors – then thrivers.

Every week she walked into worship, my smile widened. Her hugs – sometimes firm, sometimes fragile – were always a joy to me and others. Her infectious attitude would blow others away, with God being her source of joy and strength. That we could add be so blessed to live this way. Thank God for Helen!

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