November 24, 2022

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Discipleship Point about Thanksgiving

1 Timothy 4:4

Everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.
~ Apostle Paul

Hmmm… everything God created is good and is to be received with thanksgiving. OK, so here we go: Thank you Lord for… mosquitoes and cockroaches, leeches and lizards, I-4 traffic (You didn’t create that, we did!)… Actually the Apostle Paul was reacting to people who were creating unnecessary rules about following God, even to the point of calling the good things of God untouchable. Paul’s view is this: Let God set the standard of good and bad rather than men.

Discipleship Prayer Prompt

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Ask God to help you see this world from His view, and to use His standard to properly appreciate the things and people in His (and your) world.

My Gratitude Journal

Pastor Swap with Our Savior Lutheran

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Gratitude Journal?
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While at a local pastor’s gathering, I met Reverand Kenyatta Cobb, newly arrived pastor for Our Savior Lutheran, a predominantly African-American church in southeast Orlando (Phyllis and Hattie know them well).

Our spirits clicked and we met later for lunch, prayer and whatever else God might have in mind. The “whatever else” became a pastor swap one weekend.

I got to soak up the vibrancy of OSL worship created by dueling piano and organ musicians. OSL got to take part of their choir on the road to Hope and share a different flavor of worship music. I got to enjoy praying on the fly for dozens of people, letting the Holy Spirit love on His children with extended prayer time. The smiles and nods said, “just keep going.” Both churches seemed to truly appreciate the opportunity. So did I and Kenyatta.

Although he was not at OSL very long, it made for a memorable connection between our churches. Different styles worship-wise, but the same Lord. It felt like home in my soul; I am all for the places God shows up to love on us and bless us.

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