January 29, 2023

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Disciples follow Jesus’ example of serving others, such as “washing other’s feet”

Following Jesus as We Come 'n Go

Matthew 20:28

The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
~ Jesus

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Pondering Point

As we come and go in this life of following Jesus, one challenge we encounter with our sinful flesh is maintaining an attitude of servanthood and personal sacrifice. You might add a sense of entitlement that seems to have rooted itself into today’s culture as well. Jesus was very clear that He had come to serve. He, the self-proclaimed Son of Man, took on the nature of man and united it with His God-nature in order to serve mankind – through healing, teaching, leading – and yes dying. But he also served through the washing of feet, through compassionate presence and through simple acts of kindness.

Prayer for the Day

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Lord Jesus, thank You for serving us – even to the point of giving Your life as a ransom. Let me “come” to the point of embracing service in your name, of living a life of service in Your kingdom – one full of kindness, compassion and servanthood. In Your name I pray. Amen.

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