May 14, 2023

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Sunday's One Another Commands

Encourage one another

Hebrews 10:25

Let us not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Pondering Point

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Using material from this week's theme about coming to Jesus and abiding in Him, let's make a concerted effort to encourage one another to come together with Jesus, to walk with the Holy Spirit, to crucify our sinful flesh and to find time to bask in His love. And, right out of Hebrews 10:24, let’s spur one another on "toward love and good deeds."

Journal Prompt:  

  • Make a list of people that you could encourage.
    Take time to pray for them now; make plans
    to encourage them in the coming days.
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Journal Prompt:  

  • Make a list of people that encourage you.
    Take time to thank God for them now; then
    make a plan to show them your appreciation.
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Prayer for the Day

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Father God, thank You for today’s encouragement to get together with You and my Christian brothers and sisters. Give me wisdom to know when, where, and with whom. Bless me with a few individuals (a micro-group) and a few handfuls of individuals (a small group) who, like me, want to grow deeper in faith and abiding. Amen.

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