Disciples Heed Jesus'
Warning to Repent
Our next IMMERSION theme revolves around warnings from the teachings and life of Jesus. This one was issued by forerunner John the Baptist and Jesus the Messiah: Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. To repent is to change one’s direction, generally meant from sinful to godly. There is a large-scale act of repentance when a person, by faith, agrees to live for Christ rather than for oneself (See Romans 6:1-4). But it is also a daily act captured in Luke 9:23, “Deny yourself, pick up your cross daily and follow me."
Following Jesus as We Come 'n Go
John 8:11
“Go now and leave your life of sin.”
Pondering Point

It is interesting to note that while Jesus does not condemn the sinful woman to whom He is speaking in this situation, neither does He license her sinful behavior. What He does do is call her to repentance, leave your life of sin. By the way, you could also note that while Jesus does not license her sinful behavior, neither does He condemn her. But He does (say it with me) call her to repentance.
Prayer for the Day

Lord Jesus, help us shun both unhelpful condemnation over sin and inappropriate licensure to sin, whether it concerns our behavior or that of others. As we express gratitude for Your mercy in freeing us from our sins, help us heed Your call to repent, to go and sin no more – and instead serve You in holiness and righteousness. In Your name I pray. Amen.