Disciples Heed Jesus'
Warning About Judgement
We always hear:
"Judge not lest
you be judged"
but Jesus also taught:
"Do not judge by appearances but judge with right judgement."
Did you know the same person who taught, "do not judge (or you too will be judged)" – Matthew 7:1, also said "judge rightly" (John 7:24). He also stated "I did not come to judge" (John 12:47) and yet we will appear before "the judgment seat of Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:10).
Let’s see what Jesus teaches as judging.
Following Jesus as We Come 'n Go
John 12:47
47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.
Pondering Point

Since Jesus came to save the world as John 12:47 says, and we're following Jesus, part of our role as followers revolves around saving the world rather than judging it. This does not mean there's no place for judging. People will be judged in relation to Jesus' words, but God doesn't need our help in the judgment phase. Jesus came to save the world through acts of love and service; let's follow up His acts of love and service with acts of our own as we love and serve in His name.
Prayer for the Day

Lord Jesus, help us heed your warning about judging others. And -- by Your Holy Spirit, teach us how to put into practice Your various comments about judging we’ll hear this week. In Your name we pray. Amen.