Sunday One Another Commands
Don’t envy one another

Galatians 5:26
Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
~The Apostle Paul
Pondering Point

Today's one another passage is in the negative format: Do not envy each other. If you read the context of this verse, the Apostle Paul tells us that envy of others leads to a destruction of relationships. No kidding!?! It’s likely that every person reading this has experienced the negative impact of envy in family, among friends, with sports teams, in theater roles – the list could go on. How sad that we yearn to be in someone else's shoes and violating the last commands God gave His people on the holy mountain:
"Do not covet..."
Ponder these four questions with God now (and eventually a group of others):
- Where has envy toward me spoiled relationship?
Forgive them. - Where has envy from me spoiled relationship?
Repent of this. - Whose successes can I celebrate as an act of godliness?
Do it! - Who celebrates successes of mine without envy?
Thank God for those people in your life.
Prayer for the Day

Lord God, teach us to be content in ourselves so that we can celebrate others in their abilities, successes and gifts. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.