May 31, 2023

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of Joy

Ephesians 2:10a

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus…
~ Apostle Paul

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Pondering Point

Not everyone thinks of themselves as uniquely beautiful, but regardless of how you see yourself, as a believer in Jesus you are God’s handiwork. To borrow from King David’s language in Psalm 139:14, you are fearfullly and wonderfully made. This handiwork of God concept is only the first half of the sentence (the second half of which will be the focal point tomorrow). But it is this truth that gives meaning to the second half of the verse – and which lays the groundwork for your life in God.

For now, pause and consider the unique beauty that is you. Think of your original form of creation, still bearing beauty despite being marred by sin. The Greek word, poeima, is akin to poetry. You are God’s poetry in motion. Consider your redeemed form of creation that occurred in your baptism and which continues through the work of the Holy Spirit on your life. You have God-given natural gifts and spiritual gifts; you have unique experiences and skill sets. Let this truth bless you today – concerning you and others.

Prayer for the Day

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Father God, help me to see myself the way that You do, a forgiven child of Yours, Your very own handiwork created by grace through Jesus Christ, my Lord in Whose name I pray. Amen.

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