Wednesday’s Wellspring of Joy
Philippians 2:8
And being found in appearance as a man, [Jesus] humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! ~ The Apostle Paul
Pondering Point

The words humbled (showing humility) and humiliated (being embarrassed or ashamed) are quite close and can be used interchangeably. But to the ear, they might land differently. “Jane humbled herself” is generally positive; “Joe humiliated himself” is generally negative.
Jesus humbled Himself but He had nothing to be ashamed about. It was quite positive. With a twist of irony related to this devotion, when He humbled Himself, it was due to our humiliating situation regarding sin. The church has described Jesus’ coming to earth as a man as a form of humiliation, but not in a negative sense. And while it can be said that he suffered a negative form of humiliation in being crucified amid criminals, it was not a negative before His Father. Instead it is described as a type of glorification for both Him and His Father (see John 13:31). That mindset of Jesus is worth imitating:
- Humbling ourselves before men for the sake of God and His will.
- Trusting that God will be glorified in such decisions, and will even glorify (lift up, elevate) those who have humbled themselves for His sake.
John 13:31
31 When he was gone, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man is glorified and God is glorified in him.
He humbled himself and became obidient to the point of death.
Prayer for the Day

Thank You Jesus for Your humble nature and willingness to be humiliated for us sinners. What a loving and sacrificial heart You have! I rejoice that I benefit from it in Your grace. Teach me the value and benefit humbling myself and trusting Father to be my sure defense. So I pray. Amen.